박근혜 대통령이 지난 2014년 3월 독일 국빈 방문시 베를린 대통령궁에서 요아힘 빌헬름 가욱 독일 대통령과 정상회담을 가지고 있다.

President Park Geun-hye (left) meets with President Gauck at the Presidential Palace in Berlin in March 2014. (Photo: Cheong Wa Dae)

German President Joachim Gauck will visit Seoul between Oct. 11 and 14.

President Gauck’s visit is a return visit to express his gratitude for the invitation extended by President Park Geun-hye when she visited Berlin in March 2014.

The visit this October will be an opportunity to bolster the collaborative relationship that exists between the two countries, and to review the implementation of agreements made during last year’s summit.

President Park will discuss practical collaboration measures with President Gauck, covering a wide range of subjects, from the economy and trade through to technology and international cooperation. Korea-Germany collaboration on Korean reunification, geopolitical issues on the Korean Peninsula and collaboration between the EU and Korea will be also discussed during the summit.

By Chang Iou-chung
Korea.net Staff Writer
Photo: Cheong Wa Dae