‘고대불교조각대전 – 불상, 간다라에서 서라벌까지’ 특별기획전 개막식이 열린 24일 관람객들이 한국을 대표하는 두 점의 반가사유상을 휴대폰으로 찍고 있다.

Visitors take photos of two pensive bodhisattvas at the special ‘Masterpieces of Early Buddhist Sculpture, 100 B.C.-A.D. 700’ exhibition on Sept. 24.

From Gandhara to Seorabeol.
The special “Masterpieces of Early Buddhist Sculpture, 100 B.C.-A.D. 700” exhibition started welcoming visitors on Sept. 24.

The exhibition shows the lively spread of Buddhist art from Gandhara in South Asia through to the ancient Silla capital of Seorabeol, today’s Gyeongju in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (North Gyeongsang Province). Visitors will also be able to learn about the history of the advance of Buddhism and Buddhist art as it spread from Nepal to Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan, and observe how it changed and adapted over time.

국립중앙박물관 특별기획전 개막식이 열린 24일 조계종 총무원장 자승 스님, 박민권 문화체육관광부 제1차관, 김영나 국립중앙박물관장 등이 전시장을 둘러보고 있다.

The Ven. Ja-seung, Park Min-gwon, first vice minister for culture, sports and tourism, Kim Young-na, manager of the National Museum of Korea, and other dignitaries visit the newly opened exhibition on Sept. 24.

During the opening ceremony, the Ven. Ja-seung, executive chief of the Jogye Order, said, “This exhibition can show many aspects of ancient Buddhism. Also, the path Buddhism took from South Asia and into China, Korea, and Japan shows how Korean Buddhism connects with Buddhism in other countries.”

Park Min-gwon, first vice minister for culture, sports and tourism, said, “This is the essence of our cultural heritage. In these days of art and history, it is quite significant that many countries, including Korea, China, India, Japan and Vietnam, share their traditions and heritage through Buddhist sculpture.”

박민권 문화체육관광부 제1차관이 24일 국립중앙박물관 특별기획전 개막식에서 축사하고 있다.

Park Min-gwon, first vice minister for culture, sports and tourism, delivers his congratulatory address during the opening ceremony for the exhibition at the National Museum of Korea.

The exhibition features two of Korea’s most famous Buddhist sculptures on display for the first time since 2004. In addition, there are works of classic Buddhist art from India, China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

The exhibition continues until Nov. 15.

By. Jeon Han, Gu kyeong-ah, Shin Jae-won
Photos: Jeon Han
Korea.net Staff Writers

한국을 대표하는 두 점의 반가사유상이 나란히 전시돼 있다.

Two of Korea’s most famous Buddhist sculptures are on display side-by-side.


24일 개막한 국립중앙박물관 특별기획전에서는 5세기 중국 북위시대에 만들어진 ‘금동으로 만든 큰 부처’도 만나 볼 수 있다.

One of the larger Buddhist sculptures is made of gilt bronze and is from the 400s.


국립중앙박물관 특별기획전에서는 관람객들이 불상이 만들어지기 시작한 고대 인도의 간다라 양식과 미투라 양식을 쉽게 비교 할 수 있도록 전시돼 있다.

Visitors can easily compare Gandhara- and Mathura-style Buddhist art from ancient South Asia.